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Registered Office: P .O . Box 31119 Grand Pavilion, Hibiscus Way,
802 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman, KY1 -1205 Cayman Islands
Country of Incorporation: Cayman Islands
Financial Year End: 31 December
Board of Directors: Executive Directors
Mr. Zhou Mingming (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. Zhou Longrui
Ms. Yang Yunfei
Mr. Yang Xinxin

Non-executive Director
Ms. Fang Jianjun

Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. Lee Conway Kong Wai
Mr. Ng Chi Kit
Mr. Sun Wenping
Audit Committee: Mr. Lee Conway Kong Wai (Chairman),
Mr. Ng Chi Kit
Mr. Sun Wenping
Remuneration Committee: Mr. Lee Conway Kong Wai (Chairman)
Mr. Zhou Mingming
Mr. Ng Chi Kit
Nomination Committee: Mr. Zhou Mingming (Chairman)
Mr. Lee Conway Kong Wai
Mr. Ng Chi Kit
Company Secretary: Mr. Leung Wai Yip CPA
Auditors: Ernst & Young


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